السبت، مارس 13، 2010

قاموس بالامتدادات مرتبة بالابجديه

وللبحث عن شيء معين كل ماعليك سوى الضغط على كنترول + حرف F واكتب الامتداد الذي تبحث عنه .. وهو مختصر لأي شيء؟
File Extensions A
A - Library file (Unix)
A - ****** code library
AA - Audible audio file
AAM - Authorware shocked file
AAS - Authorware shocked packet
AB - Applix Builder file
ABF - Adobe Binary Screen Font
ABK - Backup file
ABO - Applix Builder Turbo file
ABS - MPEG Audio Sound file
ACA - Project Manager Workbench file
ACB - ACBM Graphic image
ACD - Character definiton file
ACE - ACE Archiver Compression File
ACF - HTTP character file
ACM - Windows system directory file
ACM - Interplay compressed sound file
ACM - Dynamic Link Library DLL
ACP - Microsoft Office Assistant Preview file
ACR - American College of Radiology file
ACS - Character structered storage file
ACT - Visual FoxPro ing wizard action
ACT - FoxPro Foxdoc Action Diagram
ACV - Used to Compress and decompress audio da
AD - After Dark screensaver
ADA - Ada source **** file
ADB - Ada source **** body file
ADF - Amiga Disk File
ADI - AutoCAD device-independent binary plotte
ADM - Windows NT policy template
ADX - Lotus Approach dBase Index
ADX - Archetype Designer
ADZ - Packed ADF file
AFI - Truevision Bitmap graphic
AI - Corel Trace drawing
AI - Adobe Illustrator drawing
AIN - AIN Compressed archive
AIO - APL transfer file
AIS - ACDSee Image Sequence
AIX - HP NewWave Cardfile Application data
ALB - JASC Image Commander album
ALL - Arts & Letters Library
ALL - WordPerfect for Windows General printer
ALS - Alias Image
ALT - WordPerfect Library Menu
ANI - Microsoft Windows Animated cursor
ANM - DeluxPaint *********
ANN - Windows 3.x Help annotation
ANS - ANSI **** file
API - Application Program Interface - Adobe
API - Lotus 1-2-3 Printer driver
APL - Application library file
APP - dBase Application Generator ******
APP - FoxPro Generated Application
APR - Lotus Approach 97 View file
APR - ArcView project file
APR - Employee Appraiser Performance Review fi
APS - Microsoft Visual C++ file
APT - **** mode application file
APT - Lotus Approach Data view file
APX - Lotus Approach Paradox-Specific informat
APX - Borland C++ Appexpert database
ARC - SQUASH Compressed archive
ARF - Automatic Response file
ARI - ARI Compressed archive
ARI - Aristotle audio file
ARJ - ARJ compressed archive
ARK - ARC File Archiver CPM/Port archive
ART - Clip Art
ARX - ARX Compressed Archive
AS - Applix Spreadsheet
ASA - Microsoft Visual InterDev file
ASC - ASCII **** file
ASD - WinWord AutoSave file
ASF - Microsoft Advanced Streaming Format
ASF - StratGraphics Datafile
ASI - Borland C++/Turbo C Assembler Include fi
ASM - Assembler Language source file
ASM - Pro/E assembly file
ASO - Astound Dynamite ******
ASP - Active Server Page
ASP - Astound Presentation
AST - Astound multimedia file
ASX - Microsoft Advanced Streaming Redirector
ATT - AT&T Group 4 bitmap
AU - Sun/NeXT/DEC/UNIX sound file
AU - Audio U-law
AVA - Avagio Publication
AVB - Inculan Anti-Virus virus infected file
AVI - Microsoft Audio Video Interleaved file f
AVR - Audio Visual Research file
AVS - Application Visualization System file
AXL - ArcIMS XML project file
AXT - ASCII application ****** template
File Extensions B
BAD - Oracle bad file
BAK - Backup file
BAL - Ballade Music score
BAR - dBase Application Generator Horizontal
BAS - BASIC source code
BAT - Batch file
BB - Papyrus Database backup
BBL - TeX/BibTeX Bibliographic reference file
BBM - Deluxe Paint Bitmap image
BBS - Bulletin Board Sytem ****
BCH - Batch Process ****** dBase Application
BCH - Datalex Entry Point 90 Data file
BCM - Microsoft Works Communications file
BCO - Bitstream Outline font de******ion file
BCP - Borland C++ Makefile
BCW - Borland C++ 4.5 Environment settings fi
BDB - Microsoft Works Dababase file
BDF - Egret Datafile
BDF - West Point Bridge Designer file
BDR - Microsoft Publisher Border
BEZ - Bitstream Outline font de******ion
BF2 - Bradford 2 Font
BFC - Windows 95 Briefcase
BFM - Font Metrics file
BFX - Fax file
BGL - Microsoft Flight Simulator Scenery file
BHF - pcAnywhere Host file
BI - Binary file
BIB - Bibliography file ASCII
BIB - TeX/BibTeX Literature Database
BIB - Database
BIF - GroupWise initialization file
BIF - Image Capture Board Binary Image black
BIFF - XLITE 3D file
BIN - Binary file
BIT - X11 Bitmap
BKS - Microsoft Works Spreadsheet Backup
BKW - FontEdit Fontset mirror image
BLD - BASIC Bloadable picture file
BLK - WordPerfect for Windows Temporary file
BM - Windows system Bitmap
BM1 - Apogee BioMenace data
BMF - Corel Gallery file
BMP - Windows or OS/2 bitmap
BOM - Bill of materials file
BOO - Microsoft Booasm.arc Compressed archive
BOOK - Adobe FrameMaker Book
BOX - Lotus Notes file
BPC - Business Plan Toolkit Chart
BPL - Borland Delphi 4 packed library
BPS - Microsoft Works
BPT - CorelDraw Bitmap fills file
BPX - Truevision Targa Bitmap
BQY - BrioQuery file
BR - Bridge ******
BRD - Eagle Layout file
BRZ - DbBRZ file for very large Db backup or
BSA - BSARC Compressed archive
BSC - MS Developer Studio browser information
BSP - Quake map file
BTM - Batch file used by Norton Utilities
BUD - Backup disk for Quicken
BUG - Bugs and Problems file
BUN - CakeWalk Audio Bundle
BUP - Backup
BUY - Movie data file
BWV - Business Wave file
BYU - BYU Movie
File Extensions C
C C - code
C-- - Sphinx C-- Source code
CA - Telnet Server Initial cache data file
CAB - Microsoft cabinet file
CAC - dBase IV Executable file
CAD - Softdesk Drafix Cad file
CAG - Catalog file
CAL - Calendar schedule data file
CAL - CALS Compressed Bitmap
CAM - Casio camera file
CAN - Navigator Fax
CAP - Compressed music file
CAR - AtHome assistant file
CAS - Comma-delimited ASCII file
CAT - Quicken IntelliCharge categorization fil
CAT - dBase Catalogue file
CB - Microsoft clean boot file
CBC - CubiCalc Fuzzy Logic System file
CBI - Column binary file
CBL - Cobol Source code
CBM - XLib Compiled Bitmap
CBT - Generic Computer based training file
CC - Visual dBASE custom class file
CC - C++ Source code
CCH - Corel Chart
CCL - Intalk Communication Command Language
CCT - Macromedia Director Shockwave cast file
CDA - CD Audio Track
CDB - Clipboard file
CDF - Microsoft Channel Definition Format
CDM - Visual dBASE custom data module
CDR - Corel Draw Vector drawing file
CDR - Raw Audio-CD data file
CDT - Corel Draw template
CDT - CorelDraw Data file
CDX - Corel Draw compressed drawing
CDX - Microsofts Visual Foxpro index
CEL - AutoDesk Animator Cel Image
CER - Certificate file
CFG - System Configuration file
CFL - CorelFLOW Chart
CFM - Visual dBASE Windows customer form
CFM - Creative FM-Music
CFM - ColdFusion template
CGI - Common gateway interface ******
CGM - Computer Graphic ****file
CHF - pcAnywhere remote control file
CHK - WordPerfect for Windows Temporary file
CHL - Configuration History Log
CHM - Compiled HTML file
CHT - ChartMaster dBase Interface file
CIF - Easy CD Creator image
CIF - pcAnywhere caller file
CL3 - Layout file for Adaptec Easy CD Creator
CLASS - **** class
CLG - Disk Catalog database
CLP - Windows Clipboard
CLP - Quattro Pro Clip art
CLP - Clipper 5 Compiler ******
CLS - Visual Basic Class Module
CLS - C++ Class Definition
CMA - Database file in plain **** format
CMD - DOS CP/M command file
CMD - dBase-II program file
CMD - Command file for Windows NT
CMF - Corel ****file
CMP - JPEG Bitmap
CMR - MediaPlayer Movie
CMV - Corel Move *********
CMX - Corel Presentation Exchange image
CNM - Windows application menu options and set
COB - COBOL Source code
COD - FORTRAN Compiled code
COD - dBase Application Generator Template sou
COD - Video **** file
COL - AutoDesk Animator Color Palette
COL - Microsoft Multiplan Spreadsheet
COM - Command file
CON - Simdir Configuration file
CP8 - CP8 256 Gray Scale image
CPD - Corel PrintOffice file
CPI - Microsoft MS-DOS code page information
CPJ - CeQuadrant CD Project
CPL - Control Panel Module
CPO - Corel Print Office image file
CPP - C++ Source code
CPP - CA Cricket Presents presentation
CPR - Corel Presents presentation
CPS - Central Point PC Tools Backup
CPS - Coloured post******
CPT - Corel Photo-Paint image
CPT - dBase Encrypted Memo
CRD - Microsoft Windows 3.x Cardfile
CRF - Zortech C++ cross-reference
CRP - Corel Presents run-time presentation
CRP - Visual dBASE custom report
CRP - dBase IV Encrypted database
CRS - WordPerfect 5.1 for Windows File Convers
CRT - Certificate file
CRT - Oracle Terminal settings information
CSA - Comma deliminated ****
CSM - Borland C++ 4.5 Precompiled header
CSS - Statistica/w Datasheet
CSS - Cascading Style Sheet
CST - Macromedia Director Cast resource file
CSV - Comma-separated values file
CT - Paint Shop Pro Graphic Editor files
CTL - dBase IV Control
CTX - Visual Basic User control binary file
CTX - Microsoft Online Course ****
CUE - Microsoft Cue Cards data
CUR - Windows Cursor
CURSOR - Sun Microsystems Cursor
CUT - Dr Halo Bitmap
CV - Corel Versions archive
CV - Microsoft CodeView information screen
CVG - Image
CVS - Canvas drawing file
CXT - Macromedia Director protected Cast resou
CXX - C++ source code
file extension D
DAO Windows Registry Backup
DAP Microsoft Access 2000 Data access page
DAT Data file
DB Borderlands Paradox 7 database
DBC Microsofts Visual FoxPro database contai
DBF Database file
DBF Oracle 8.1.x tablespace file
DBK dBase Database Backup
DBO Compiled program file
DBQ Paradox Memo
DBT dBase **** Memo
DBV Memo field file
DBW Microsoft Windows 9.x Database file
DBX DataBeam image
DBX Microsofts Visual FoxPro Table file
DC CAD file
DC2 CAD file
DC5 DataCAD Drawing
DCA ******* Architecture **** file
DCA Visual Basic Active designer cache
DCF Disk Image file
DCM DCM module
DCR Shockwave file
DCS Desktop Color Separation file
DCS Quark Xpress Bitmap Graphics
DCT Microsofts Visual FoxPro database contai
DCU Delphi compiled unit
DCX Fax image
DCX Macro file
DCX Bitmap Graphics file
DCX Microsofts Visual FoxPro database contai
DDB Bitmap Graphics file
DEF C++ definition file
DEFI Oracle 7 de-install ******
DEM Demo file
DEP Visual Basic Setup Wizard Dependency fil
DER Certificate file
DEV Device Driver
DEZ Encrypted zip file
DFD Data Flow Diagram Graphic
DFI Outline Font de******ion
DFL Default Program Settings
DFM Data Flow Diagram model
DFS Sound File
DFV Printing Form value
DGS Diagnostics Report
DIB Device-independent bitmap
DIC Dictionary file
DIF Data Interchange Output file
DIF Data Interchange Format spreadsheet
DIG Digilink file
DIG Sound Designer I audio
DIP Graphics file
DIR Macromedia Director file
DIS Ray Tracer file
DLG C++ Dialogue ******
DLL Dynamic-link library file
DLL CorelDraw Export/Import Filter
DLS Downloadable sound
DMD Visual dBASE data module
DMF Packed Amiga disk image
DOB Visual Basic User
DOC Microsoft Word
DOC WordPerfect
DOC FrameMaker or FrameBuilder
DOC WordStar
DOS DOS **** file
DOT Word Template
DOT Line-Type definition
DOX User binary form Visual Basic
DPR Borland C++ Project header
DRAW Acorns ******-based vector image
DRS WordPerfect Display Resource file
DRV Device Driver
DRW Lotus Freelance Image
DSC Oracle Discard file
DSD Database file
DSK Borland C++/Turbo Pascal Project Desktop
DSM Dynamic Studio music module
DSM Digital Sound Module
DSN ODBC Data source
DSP Microsoft Developer Studio project
DSR Visual Basic Active designer file
DSW Borland C++ Desktop settings
DSW Microsoft Developer Studio workspace fil
DSX Visual Basic Active designer binary file
DTA Turbo C++ Datafile
DUN Microsoft Dial-up Networking Export file
DUP Duplicate Backup
DV Digital video
DVC Lotus 1-2-3 Datafile
DVF Graphics file associated with camcorders
DVP AutoCAD Device parameter file
DWF Autodesk Vector graphic
DWF Drawing Web file
DXF AutoCAD Drawing Interchange Format
DXF Data Exchange File
DXR Macromedia Director protected movie file
DYN Lotus 1-2-3 Datafile
File Extensions E ELM Theme-Pack file for Microsoft FrontPage
EMF Enhanced Windows ****file
EML Microsoft Outlook Express mail message
EMS Enhanced Menu System Configuration file
EMU Terminal Emulation Data file
ENC Music file
ENC Video file
ENC Encoded file
END CorelDraw Arrow-Head Definition Table
ENFF Neutral Format
ENV WordPerfect Environment file
EPD Express Publisher Publication file
EPHTML Enhanced Perl-parsed HTML
EPI Express Publisher file
EPS Adobe Illustrator Encapsulated Postscrip
EPSI Adobe Encapsulated Post****** Interchang
EQN WordPerfect Equation file
ERR Visual FoxPro Compilation error file
ERX ERWin file
ESH DOS Extended ****l Batch file
ESL Visual FoxPro Distributable support libr
ESPS ESPS audio file
EVT Microsoft Windows NT, 2000 Event Log
EVY WordPerfect
EWL Microsoft Encarta
EXC Microsoft Word Exclusion Dictionary file
EXE Executable file
File Extensions F
FAC Face graphic
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FAR Music module
FAS Basic module file
FAV Outlook Navigation bar
FCD Virtual CD-ROM file
FCM Binary file patch
FD FORTRAN Declaration file
FDF Adobe Acrobat Forms
FFA MS find fast file
FFT Final Form ****
FFX MS fast find file
FI FORTRAN File Interface
FIF Fractal Image
FIT Windows NT File index table
FLA Macromedia Flash Movie
FLC AutoDesk FLIC *********
FLL Distributable dynamic link library
FLM AutoCAD Film Roll
FLT Microsoft Graphics filter
FM Adobe FrameMaker
FMB WordPerfect File Manager button bar
FMO Compiled format
FMT Microsoft Schedule+ Print file
FOR FORTRAN source code
FP FoxPro Configuration file
FPC FoxPro Catalog file
FPT FileMaker Pro file
FRM Symbol Report
FRO Compiled report
FRP Form
FRS Wordperfect Screen Font Resource
FRX Visual Basic Form stash file
FRX Microsoft FoxPro Report
FXP FoxPro Compiled source code
file extensionG
GDB InterBase Database file
GED Graphics editor native format
GED Graphic Environment
GLY Microsoft Word Glossary
GRP Pictures group
GRP Microsoft Program Manager Group
GRY Raw graphic
GWP Greetings WorkShop file
File Extensions H
H C and C++ Program header
H++ C++ Header file
HDX AutoCAD Help index
HH C++ Header file
HHH Precompiled header
HLP Help file
HPF Hotline Partial downloaded file
HPG AutoCAD HPGL Plotter vector graphics
HPJ Visual Basic Help Project file
HPP C++ Program header
HST History file
HTM A Web page file containing Hyper**** Mar
HTML A Web page file containing Hyper**** Mar
HTT Microsoft Hyper**** template
HXX C++ Header file
HYC Microsoft WordPerfect Datafile
File Extensions I
I Borland C++ Intermediate file
ICA Citrix file
ICA Image ****** ******* Architecture Bitmap
ICB Targa bitmap
ICL Icon Library
ICM Image Color Matching profile
ICN Icon source code
ICO Icon
ICS Scene file
ID Disk identification file
IDB Microsoft Developer Intermediate file
IDD MIDI Instrument Definition
IDE Borland C++ v4.5 Project file
IDF MIDI Instrument Definition
IDIF Netscape saved address book Identificati
IDQ Internet Data Query
IDW IntelliDraw Vector graphic
IDX Microsoft FoxPro Relational database ind
IDX Microsoft Outlook Express file
IDX Index file
IFF Interchange file
IFO Digital Video Disk (DVD) datafile
IIF QuickBooks for Windows Interchange file
IIM Music module
IND Index dBase IV
IND Shared Database file
INF Information file
INF Install ******
INI Initialization file
INI Setup file
INK CorelDRAW Pantone reference fills file
INL Microsoft Visual C++ Inline function fil
INS Microsoft WordPerfect for Windows Datafi
INT Borland Interfaced units
IRS Microsoft WordPerfect for Windows Resour
ISO International Standards Organization tab
IST Instrument file
ISU InstallShield Uninstall ******
IV Open Inventor file
IWA IBM Writing Assistant **** file
IWC Install Watch
IWM Start file
IWP **** file
file extension J
JAR **** Archive a compressed file for apple
JAS Graphic
**** **** Source code
JBD Datafile
JBF Paint Shop Pro Image browser file
JBX Project file
JFF JPEG image
JIF JPEG image
JPE JPEG image
JPG JPEG image
JS ********** source code
JSP An HTML page similar to an ASP page usin
JTF JPEG bitmap
File Extensions K
*** Security file
*** ***board Macro
KFX Image
KIZ Digital postcard
File Extensions L
LAB Microsoft Excel Mailing labels
LBT Microsoft FoxPro Labels
LBX Labels
LCL FTP Datafile
LDB Microsoft Access Lock file
LGC Application log file
LGD Application log file
LGO Logo file
LGO Startup logo
LIB Library file
LIF Compressed archive
LIF Logical Interchange data
LIM Compressed archive
LIN Line type file
LIX Logos library system file
LKO Microsoft Outlook Express Linked ******
LL3 LapLink III file
LLX Laplink Exchange agent
LNK Shortcut file
LNK Linker response file
LNK Datafile
LOD Load file
LOG Log file
LOK Compressed file
LRC Intel Video phone file
LRF Microsoft C/C++ Linker response file
LRS Language resource file
LSF Logos library system file
LSL Saved library
LSL ****** library
LSP AutoLISP, CommonLISP, and other LISP lan
LSS Spreadsheet
LST List file
LST ***board macro
LST Spool file
LTM Form
LU Library unit file
LWD ****
LWF Wavelet graphics file
LWLO Layered ****** file
LWOB ****** file
LWP Wordpro 96/97 file
LWSC Scene file
LWZ Linguistically enhanced sound file
LYR Layer file
LZD Difference file for binaries
LZH Compressed archive
LZS Compressed archive
LZS Data file
LZW Compressed Amiga archive
LZX Compressed archive
file extension M
M Macro module
M Standard package
M Program file
M11 **** file
M1V MPEG-related file
M3U MPEG URL MP3 Playlist
MAC Macro
MAD Microsoft Access Module
MAF Microsoft Access Form
MAK Visual Basic or Microsoft C++ Project
MAK Makefile
MAM Microsoft Access Macro
MAP Map file
MAQ Microsoft Access Query
MAR Microsoft Access Report
MAT Microsoft Access Table
MAUD Sample format
MAX Kinetix 3D Studio Max 3D scene
MBK Multiple index archive (dBase IV)
MBX Microsoft Outlook saved email
MCI Media Control Interface Command ******
MD Compressed archive
MDA Microsoft Access Add-in file
MDB Microsoft Access Database
MDE Microsoft Access MDE file
MDL Music module
MDL Model
MDL Quake Model file
MDM Modem definition
MDN Microsoft Access Blank database template
MDT Data table
MDT Microsoft Access Add-in file
MDW Microsoft Access Workgroup
MDX Multiple index file (dBase IV)
MDZ Microsoft Access Wizard template
MEM Microsoft FoxPro Memory variable save fi
MES Message file
MET Presentation Manager ****file
MET OmniPage Pro file
MI Miscellaneous file
MIC Microsoft Image Composer file
MID MIDI music file
MIF Adobe FrameMaker Interchange format
MIFF Machine Independent File
MIM Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions (
MIME Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions
MIX Power C ****** file
MIX Microsoft PhotoDraw 2000 Picture file
MIX Microsoft Picture-It! Picture file
MJF Audio file similar to MP3
MK Makefile
MKE Microsoft Windows SDK Makefile
MMC Microsoft Clip Gallery 5.x Catalog file
MME Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions (
MMF Microsoft Mail message file
MMF Meal Master Format, a recipe catologing
MMF Microsoft Mail file
MMM Multimedia movie
MMM Microsoft Multimedia movie
MND AutoCAD Menu Compiler Menu source
MNG Multi-image Network Graphics
MNT Microsoft FoxPro Menu file
MNU Visual dBase Menu file
MNU AutoCAD Menu Compiler Menu
MNU Norton Commander Menu
MNX Microsoft FoxPro Menu
MNX AutoCAD Compiled menu
MNY Microsoft Money Account book
MOB PEN for Windows Device definition
MOD Microsoft Windows 9.x Kernel module
MON Monitor de******ion
MOV QuickTime for Microsoft Windows Movie
MOZ Zipped mod file
MP2 MPEG Audio Layer 2 file
MP3 MPEG Audio Layer 3 (AC3) file
MPA MPEG-related file
MPC Microsoft Project Calendar file
MPD Microsoft Project Database file
MPE MPEG *********
MPEG MPEG *********
MPG MPEG *********
MPP Microsoft Project file
MPP Drawing file
MPR Microsoft FoxPro Menus
MPT Multipage TIFF Bitmap graphics
MPV Microsoft Project View file
MPX Microsoft FoxPro Compiled menu program
MPX Microsoft Project Exchange file
MRB Microsoft C/C++ Multiple resolution bitm
MSC Microsoft C Makefile
MSC Microsoft Windows 2000 Common console do
MSD Microsoft MSD Diagnostics report file
MSDL Scene De******ion Language
MSG Microsoft Mail message
MSI Microsoft Windows Installer package
MSN Microsoft Network
MSP Microsoft Paint bitmap
MSP Windows Installer patch file
MST Windows Installer transform
MST Minispecification file
MST Microsoft SDK Setup ******
MSW Microsoft Word **** file
MSX Compressed CP/M archive
MTH Math file
MTM Music module
MTW Minitab Datafile
MTX Twain device driver
MU Quattro Pro Menu
MUS Music
MV Miva Server-side ****** file
MVB Microsoft Multimedia Viewer file
MVF AutoCAD-AutoFlix Stop frame file
MVI AutoCAD-AutoFlix Movie command file
MVW Log file
MWF ProMotion *********
MWP Lotus WordPro 97 Smartmaster file
MXT Microsoft C Datafile
File Extensions N
NCB Microsoft Developer Studio file
NCD Norton Change directory
NCF Netware Command File
NCF Lotus Notes Internal clipboard
NDB Intellicom Network database
NDX Index file (dBase II-III-IV)
NES Nintendo Emulator ROMS for game console
NET Network configuration file
netCDF Network Common Data Form
NEW New info
NEZ Nintendo Emulator file
NFF Neutral File Format
NFO Info file database ****
NFT Net****** Fusion Template file
NLB Oracle 7 Data
NLM Netware Loadable Module
NOD Net****** Fusion File
NRG Nero Image file
NSF Lotus Notes Database
NSO Net****** Fusion file
NST Music module
NT Microsoft Windows NT Startup files
NTF Lotus Notes Database template
NTR Executable ASCII **** file
NTS Executable ASCII **** file
File Extensions O
O ****** file (Unix)
OBD Microsoft Office Binder template
OBD Microsoft Office Binder
OBJ ****** file
OBR Borland C++ ****** browser data file
OBS ******
OBV Visual interface
OBZ Microsoft Office Binder Wizard
OCF ****** craft file
ODL Visual C++ Type library source
ODS Microsoft Outlook Express Mailbox file
OFD Form definition
OFF 3D Mesh ****** File
OFN Microsoft Office FileNew file
OFT Microsoft Outlook Template
OLB ****** library
OLB Microsoft ****** Library (OLE)
OLD Backup file
OLE Microsoft ****** Linking and Embedding (
OLE ****** Linking and Embedding ******
OLI **** file
OO1 Voice file
OOGL ****** Oriented Graphics Library
OOM Swap file
OPJ Project file
OPT Microsoft Developer Studio file
OPX Extension DLL
ORA Oracle Parameter file
ORC Oracle 7 ******
OSS Microsoft Office Search file
OST Microsoft Exchange/Outlook Offline file
OUT Microsoft C Output file
file extension P
P Pascal Source code
PAB Microsoft Personal Address Book
PAC Package file
PAK Compressed archive
PAK Quake WAD file
PAL A compressed file
PAL Microsoft Color palette
PAN CorelDRAW Printer specific file
PAR Microsoft Windows 3.x Permanent output f
PAS Borland Pascal Source code file
PAT DataCAD Hatch pattern file
PAT CorelDRAW Pattern file
PB WinFax Pro Phone book
PBI Profiler binary input file
PBK Microsoft Phonebook
PC **** file
PCD Kodak Photo-CD Image
PCE Maps Eudora mailbox names to DOS filenam
PCF Profiler command file
PCH Patch file
PCH Microsoft C/C++ Precompiled header file
PCI Microsoft Windows System file PCI Minipo
PCJ Multimedia authoring tool graphics
PCK Turbo Pascal Pickfile
PCL Printer Control Language file
PCM Audio file
PCS Microsoft Picture storage file
PCS *********
PDA Bitmap graphics
PDB Data file
PDB 3Com PalmPilot Database file
PDD Paint Shop Pro and Adobe PhotoDeluxe Ima
PDF Adobe Acrobat Portable file
PDL Borland C/C++ Project de******ion langua
PDM Physical model file
PDP Print Shop Deluxe file
PDQ Flowcharting PDQ Lite file
PDW Professional Draw
PE3 Ulead PhotoImpact Image archive file
PE4 Ulead PhotoImpact v.4 Image archive file
PFC AOL Personal filing cabinet file
PFF Paraform file for 3D modeling
PFK Programmable function ***s
PFM Microsoft Printer Font Metrics
PFS Database **** file
PFT Printer font
PGM Portable Graymap bitmap
PH Perl header file
PH Microsoft C/C++ Phrase-table
PHP HTML page that includes a PHP ******
PHP3 HTML page that includes a PHP ******
PHTML Perl-Parsed HTML
PIC PC Paint Bitmap
PIF PIF drawing
PIX Bitmap image file
PJT Microsoft Visual Foxpro Project
PJT Microsoft Visual FoxPro memo file
PJX Microsoft Visual FoxPro project file
PKG Microsoft Developer Studio application e
PL Perl Source code file
PLB Microsoft FoxPro Library file
PLC Lotus 1-2-3 Add-in file
PLI Oracle 7 Data de******ion file
PLN WordPerfect for Windows Spreadsheet
PLS MPEG PLayList file used by WinAmp
PLT Drawing HPGL Plotter
PLT AutoCAD Plot drawing
PLT Palette
PM Perl Module
PNG Paint Shop Pro Browser catalogue
PNG MacroMedia FireWorks Bitmap file
POL Windows NT Policy file
POP PopMail Message index
POT Microsoft PowerPoint template
PPA Microsoft PowerPoint Add-in
PPB WordPerfect for Windows Button bar for p
PPD Adobe Acrobat v.4.0 Post****** Printer d
PPI Microsoft PowerPoint Graphics file
PPM Portable Pixelmap bitmap
PPS Microsoft PowerPoint slide show
PPT Microsoft PowerPoint presentation
PQB PowerQuest BootMagic Master boot backup
PQI PowerQuest Drive image file
PRC 3com PalmPilot Resource file
PRD Printer driver
PRE Lotus Freelance Presentation
PRE Programmers WorkBench Settings
PRE Microsoft C/C++ Settings
PRF Microsoft Windows System file
PRF Macromedia Director Settings file
PRG dBase IV and Microsoft FoxPro Program so
PRN DataCAD Windows Printer file
PRN Printer driver
PRN Lotus 1-2-3-Symphony **** file
PRO Source code file
PRO Configuration file
PRT A print-formatted file
PRX Microsoft FoxPro Compiled program
PRZ Lotus Freelance 97 Graphics file
PSD Adobe Photoshop Bitmap
PSE IBM printer Page Segment Bitmap graphics
PSM Turbo Pascal Symbol table of IDE
PSP PaintShop Pro Image file
PST Microsoft Outlook Personal Folder File
PUB Microsoft Publisher
PWD Microsoft Pocket Word
PWL Microsoft Windows 9.x Password list file
PWZ Microsoft PowerPoint wizard
PXL Microsoft Pocket Excel spreadsheet
PY YAHOO Saved emessages
PY Python ****** file
PYC Python Compiled ****** file
File Extensions Q
QAG Norton Desktop Quick Access Group data f
QAP Omnis Quartz Application file
QBE dBase IV Saved query
QBE Quattro Pro Saved Query
QBO dBase IV Compiled query
QBS Microsoft QuickBasic Program file
QBW QuickBooks for Windows Spreadsheet data
QCP Qualcomm Pure Voice Voice file
QDF Quicken Data file
QEF Microsoft Excel Query file
QEL Quicken Electronic library file
QIC Microsoft Backup file
QIF QuickTime Image
QIF QuickTime Import file
QLB Microsoft C/C++ Library file
QLC Data
QLP QuickLink Printer driver
QM Quality Motion file
QPR Microsoft FoxPro Generated query program
QPX Microsoft FoxPro Compiled query program
QRY Microsoft Query
QRY dBase IV Query
QSD Quicken Datafile
QT QuickTime Movie file
QTI QuickTime Image file
QTIF QuickTime Image file
QTM QuickTime Movie file
QTP QuickTime Preferences file
QTS QuickTime Image file
QTX QuickTime Image file
QW Symantec Q&A program file
QWK QWK Reader Message file
QXD Quark Xpress Data file
QXL Quark Xpress Element library
QXT Quark Xpress Template file
File Extensions R
R Pegasus Mail Resource file
R FORTRAN Preprocessor Ratfor file
RA RealAudio Sound file
RAM RealAudio ****file
RAW Raw File Format bitmap
RC Micosoft C/C++ Resource ******
RC Borland C++ Resource ******
RCG Netscape Newsgroup file
RDF Resource De******ion Framework file
RDF Research information format
RDI Device-independent bitmap file
REF Reference file
REG Registration file
REM Remarks file
REP Visual dBase Report file
REQ Request file
RES Microsoft Visual C++ Resource file
RES Borland C++ Compiled resource file
RES dBase IV Resource file
REX Oracle Report definition
REZ Resource file
RF Sun Raster graphics file
RGB, SGI Silicon Graphics RGB files
RH Borland C++ 4.5 Resource header file
RI Lotus 1-2-3 Data file
RIF ****creations Painter 5 Image file
RIP Graphics
RM RealAudio Video file
RMF Beatnik Rich music format
RMI MIDI music
RND AutoCAD-AutoShade Rendering slide
ROM Cartridge-based home video game emulator
RPM RedHat Linux Package Manager
RPT Crystal Reports file a sub-set of Micros
RSC Resource file
RSP Response file
RTF Microsoft Windows 9.x Help file ******
RTL **** file
RTS RealAudio RTSL
RUL Extension used in InstallShield
RVP Microsoft Scan Configuration file
RVW Review file
RWS Borland C++ Resource Workshop data file
RWX RenderWare ****** file
file extensionS
S Unix Assembler source code
SAV Saved game file
SAV Backup file
SAV Configuration file
SBI SoundBlaster Instrument file
SBL ShockWave Flash ******
SC2 Microsoft Schedule+ 7.0 file
SCA Datafile
SCC **** file
SCC Microsoft Source Safe file
SCD Microsoft Schedule+ 7.0 Datafile
SCF Microsoft Windows Explorer Command file
SCH Microsoft Schedule+ 7.0 Datafile
SCI System configuration information file
SCM Scheme source code file
SCM Video game console ROM emulater file
SCO High score file
SCR Microsoft Windows 9.x Screensaver file
SCV CASmate Native format
SCX Microsoft FoxPro forms
SEC PGP Secret *** ring file
SES Cool Edit Session file
SET Setup option file
SET Quartet Voice set files
SEW Sewing program file
SGF Sonique Graphics file
SGI Silicon Graphics Graphics file
SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language
SGT Save/Get ***board macro
SH Unix ****l ******
SH Unix/SHAR ASCii archive
SHB shortcut file
SHP AutoCAD Source code and shape file for t
SHTML SSI HTML file containing Server Side Inc
SHW WordPerfect for Windows Slide Show
SHX AutoCAD Shape entities
SIF Microsoft Windows NT Setup installation
SIG PopMail Signature file
SIG Current program settings
SIK Microsoft Word for Windows Backup files
SIZ Oracle 7 Configuration file
SKA PGP Secret ***ring file
SKF AutoSketch Drawing file
SKL Macromedia Director Resource file
SLB AutoCAD Slide Library File
SLD AutoCAD Slide File
SLL Generic Sound data file
SND Sound resource
SNM Netscape Mailbox
SOM Quattro Pro Network ****** numbers
SPC WordPerfect for Windows Temporary file
SPL ShockWave Flash ****** file
SPL Sample file
SPM WordPerfect for Windows Data file
SPR Microsoft FoxPro Generated screen progra
SPR Image layering and resizing Sprite
SPRITE Bitmap file
SPX Microsoft FoxPro Compiled screen program
SQC Structured Query Language (SQL) common c
SQL SQL queries
SQR Structured Query Language (SQL) program
SQZ Compressed archive
SRF Sun Raster graphics file
SRM Video game console ROM emulator file
SRZ Source file
STR Screensaver file
STR dBase IV Application Generator Structure
STS Microsoft C/C++ Project status informati
STW Data file
SUM Summary file
SUN Sun Rasterfile graphics
SUP WordPerfect for Windows Supplementary di
SVD WordPerfect for Windows Autosave file fo
SVF Simple Vector Format 2D image
SVG Adobe Scalable vector graphics file
SVP Sonique Graphics file
SVS WordPerfect for Windows Autosave file fo
SWA Shockwave audio file in Macromedia Direc
SWF ShockWave Flash ******
SWP DataCAD Swap file
SYM Borland C++ Precompiled header file
SYS System file Device driver or hardware co
SYW Yamaha SV-series Wave file
File Extensions T
TAG Query tag name file
TAH Borland C++ Turbo assembler help file
TBK dBase IV Memo backup file
TBK Microsoft FoxPro Memo backup file
TBS Microsoft Word for Windows **** elements
TC Turbo C Configuration file
TC Borland C++ Configuration file
TCH Borland C++ Turbo C Help file
TCW TurboCAD for Windows Drawing file
TEM Borland C++ Turbo Editor Macro Language
TEX ****ure file
TGA Adobe Acrobat Targa bitmap
THEME Microsoft Windows 9.x Desktop theme
THM Microsoft Clip Gallery v.1.x Thumbnail i
THS WordPerfect for Windows Thesaurus dictio
TIF Tag image bitmap file (TIFF)
TIFF Tag image bitmap file
TLB Microsoft OLE type library files
TLB Visual C++ Type library
TLP Microsoft Project Project timeline file
TMF WordPerfect for Windows Tagged font metr
TMP Microsoft Windows Temporary file
TMS ****** file
TNV BitWare Data file
TOC Eudora Mailbox Table of *******s file
TP Turbo Pascal Configuration file
TP Turbo Profiler Sesson-state file
TPH Turbo Pascal Help file
TPL Turbo Pascal Residents units library
TPP Borland Pascal 7.0 Protected mode units
TPU Turbo Pascal Turbo Pascal Unit
TPW Turbo Pascal for Windows 9.x Unit
TPX ULead Photo Express Image file
TPZ TAR Compressed archive
TPZ Compressed archive
TRE Directory tree file
TRM Terminal file
TRN Quattro Pro Translation support file
TST WordPerfect for Windows Printer test fil
TTF TrueType font
TTK Translation tool kit file
TVF dBase IV Table view settings
TXF TAR Compressed archive
TXT ASCII ****-formatted data
TZB Compressed archive
File Extensions U UDF Microsoft Windows NT Unique Database
UFO Ulead ****** file
UG AutoCAD and others Drawing file
ULT Music module
UMB MemMaker Backup file
UNI UniMod music module
UPD Updated program data
UPD Updated program data
UPI ULead Photo Impact Program file
UPO Compiled updated datafile
UPX ULead Photo Process Saved Image file
USR Turbo C++ User database file
File Extensions V
VAL Values list ****** file
VAN VistaPro ********* file
VBA VBase file
VBP Microsoft Visual Basic Project file
VBR Microsoft Visual Basic Remote automated
VBS Microsoft Visual Basic ****** file
VBW Microsoft Visual Basic Workspace file
VBX Microsoft Visual Basic Visual basic exte
VBX Microsoft Visual Basic Custom control fi
VC VisaCalc Spreadsheet
VCE Cool Edit Unformatted voice file
VCF Netscape Virtual card file
VCT Microsoft FoxPro Class library
VCW Microsoft Visual C++ Visual workbench in
VCX Microsoft FoxPro Class library
VDA Targa bitmap
VDA Graphics image
VID Microsoft Word Screen device driver
VIK Viking Graphics Image
VIR File identified as a virus-infected file
VIS Graphics image file
VIV VivoActive Streaming video file
VLB Library file
VMC Adobe Acrobat Reader Virtual memory conf
VML Microsoft Office 2000 Vector markup lang
VMS **** file with vms specific information
VOB Encrypted video and audio files used on
VOC Creative Labs Sound Blaster Audio file
VRF Oracle 7 Configuration file
VRM Quattro Pro Overlay file
VSN A Windows 9x/NT ViruSafe version file
VST Targa bitmap
VUE 3D Studio ********* file
VUE dBase IV View file
VUE Microsoft FoxPro View file
VWR File viewer
VXD Microsoft Windows 9.x Virtual device dri
File Extensions W
WAB Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express Outlo
WAV Microsoft Windows Waveform sound
WB1 QuattroPro for Windows Notebook
WB2 QuattroPro for Windows Spreadsheet
WB3 QuattroPro for Windows **** file
WBC Webshots Image file
WBF Microsoft Windows 9.x Batch file
WBK Microsoft Word for Windows Backup file
WCD WordPerfect for Windows Macro token list
WCM Microsoft Works Data transmission file
WCM WordPerfect fdor Windows Macro
WCP WordPerfect for Windows Product informat
WDB Microsoft Works Database file
WEB Web source code file
WFM Virtual dBase Windows form
WI Corel Wavelet compressed bitmap
WIM Wireless identity module
WIN Microsoft FoxPro Window file
WIN dBase Window file
WIZ Microsoft Word Wizard file
WIZ Microsoft Publisher Page wizard
WKB WordPerfect for Windows file
WKE Lotus 1-2-3 Educational version Spreadsh
WKQ Quattro Pro Spreadsheet
WKS Lotus 1-2-3 Worksheet spreadsheet
WKS Microsoft Works
WLL Microsoft Add-In file
WMA Audio file in Microsoft Windows Media fo
WMC MathCAD for Windows Backup files for sta
WMC WordPerfect for Windows Macro file
WMF Microsoft Windows ****file
WP WordPerfect for Windows file
WP4 WordPerfect for Windows 4.0
WP5 WordPerfect for Windows 5.0
WP6 WordPerfect for Windows 6.0
WPD WordPerfect for Windows ALL Demo file
WPD WordPerfect for Windows
WPF WordPerfect for Windows Form file
WPG Microsoft Word for Windows Graphics file
WPG Microsoft Word for Windows vector graphi
WPK Microsoft Word for Windows Macro
WPM Microsoft Word for Windows Macro
WPS Microsoft Works ****
WPT Microsoft Word for Windows Template
WPW PerfectWorks
WQ! QuattroPro Compressed spreadsheet
WQ1 QuattroPro/DOS Spreadsheet
WQ2 QuattroPro version 5 Spreadsheet
WR1 Lotus Symphony file
WRK CakeWalk Music Audio Project file
WRS Microsoft Word for Windows Resource file
WRZ Another VRML fileject
WS WordStar **** file
WSD WordStar for Windows 2000
WSP Fortran PowerStation WorkSpace file
WST WordStar for Windows
WSZ WinAmp Skin
WTA Used by wireless telephony applications
WVL Wavelet Compressed Bitmap
WVW PDF format Interleaf WorldView format
WWB WordPerfect for Windows Button bar for d
WWK WordPerfect for Windows ***board layout
WWL Microsoft Word Add-in file
WXP EXP for Microsoft Windows file
File Extensions X
X Source code file
X AVS image
XAR Corel Xara drawing
XDL XML Schema file
XHTML eXtensible hyper**** markup language
XLA Microsoft Excel Add-in file
XLB Microsoft Excel Toolbar file
XLB Microsoft Excel Datafile
XLC Microsoft Excel Chart file
XLD Microsoft Excel Dialogue file
XLK Microsoft Excel Backup file
XLL Microsoft Excel Dynamic link library
XLL Microsoft Excel Add-in file
XLM Microsoft Excel Macro file
XLS Microsoft Excel Worksheet file
XLT Microsoft Excel Template file
XLT Lotus 1-2-3 Translation table
XLV Microsoft Excel VBA module
XLW Microsoft Excel Workbook
XML eXtensible markup language
XNF Network file
XNK Microsoft Exchange Shortcut file
XRF Cross