Organized by exam objectives, this is a focused, concise review guide that works hand-in-hand with any learning tool, including the Sybex CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide, 6th and Deluxe editions
The book will consist of four high-level chapters, each mapping to the four main Domains of the exam skill-set. The book will drill down into the specifics of the exam, covering the following:
Designing Cisco internetworks
Developing an access list
Evaluating TCP/IP communication
Configuring routers and switches
Configuring IP addresses, subnet masks, and gateway addresses
Performing LAN, VLAN, and WAN troubleshooting
Understanding rules for packet control
علمتني الحياة ان العقل يتوقف عن النمو يوم يتوقف عن القراءة والتأمل وانه لاجديد ولامفيد في حياة من لم يقرأ وان من هجر العلم والمعرفة فقد تعجل لنفسه الفناء فأدركت لماذا كانت أول كلمة تنزل من الوحي أقرأ